Updating the Documentation


The documentation site is built on the Sphinx module, Sphinx docs and is written using the reStructuredText language. If you want to update the documentation, you can follow the guide below.


  1. Decide on where you want to add documentation. Within the docs\ directory, there are a few items that are critical to the documention.
    • index.rst is the root file, all of the .rst files branch from this file.
    • contents.rst is the file that lists all of the directories listed on the documentation homepage.
    • source\ directory is where all of the documentation is housed. For example, you’ll find files like addNewInstrument.rst where you’ll find the written documention adding a new instrument class.
  2. Once you’ve decided where to add/edit, you merely edit the .rst file corresponding to the documentation you want to edit.
    • Note that if you are adding a new section to the documentation site, you need to create a new .rst file, put it in source\, and edit contents.rst in the appropriate location.
  3. Finally, in the command-prompt at the present working directory of ..\..\ProberControl\prober\docs\sphinx-docs\ execute make clean, then execute make html
  4. You’ll now have an updated documentation site.


If you are using Windows PowerShell, you may need to execute ./make.bat clean and ./make.bat html in order to execute a batch file if your PATH variable is not set for running .bat


When building the html after running make html or ./make.bat html, the builder may throw several warnings in red. Glance over them, but most of the them are trivial and do not effect the documentation site.