Locking Scheme for Scripting


When the user acquires and uses instruments in procedures' functions that are called from a script, there is a subroutine that disabled access to those instruments and ‘locks’ the specified instruments for the duration of the script. When the script is finished running, the instruments will appear in the drop down menu again.


The workflow for locking an instrument occurs as follows:

  1. Every time the user runs a script a new instance of the ScriptController is instantiated to undertake the task. Each script contoller is associated with a unique ID.
  2. The Script controller will serially go through the entries of the measurement script, executing the specified procedure function.
  3. The graphical user interface is updated, blocking the locked instruments from the Stages to Execute option menu.
  4. When an instrument request is made within a procedure function through the Global_MeasureHandler, the Global_MeasureHandler traverses the stack of the request, looking for the ID of the ScriptController that made this call.
    • When the ID is determined, the Global_MeasureHandler can check if that instrument is available in the __locked collection for that specific ID.
    • When the Global_MeasureHandler traverses the stack, it is looking for the ID of the instance of ScriptHandler. It is not necessarily looking for a specific ID, but looking for the ID of the object that has invoked this exact instance of the get_instrument call. Due to the design of the locking scheme, the only functions that could have invoked get_instrument are stored in the list functions. If the ID of the local namespace for self, i.e. the object that invoked this function, appears in out __locked dictionary’s keys, then it is in fact the ID of an instance of a ScriptController that locked the instrument during the initial setup.
functions = ['_structureProcedure','__executeCommand','_procedure']

for entry in inspect.stack(context=0):
    if entry[3] in functions:
        id_ = id(entry[0].f_locals['self'])

    if (id_ in self.__locked.keys()):
  1. When the procedure function is done running, the Global_MeasureHandler will release all of the locked instruments associated with that ID(
def release_current_user_instruments(self):
Releases all current user instruments
Should be called at the end of a test entity and NOT normally
inside Measure functions
owner_id = self._get_owner()

with self.__access_lock:
    owned = self.__locked.get(owner_id)
    chain = self.__chainSets.get(owner_id)
    if owned is not None:
        self.__locked[owner_id] = []
    if chain is not None:
        self.__chainSets[owner_id] = ChainList()


Code that executes the locking scheme from the Global_MeasureHandler:
  • Note: _look_for_obj is just a convenience function that will return the first occurence of an element in a list, for which a lambda function, provided as an argument, returns true.
def get_instrument(self, specifiedDevice, additional=False):
Finds and returns an unactive instrument corresponding to the one specified
Returns None if such instrument was found/available.

owner_id = self._get_owner() # This is where we get the ID

# serialize access to global ownership dictionary
with self.__access_lock:

    if not additional:
        # Try the owned instruments first
        owned_list = self.__locked.get(owner_id)
        sdebug('OwnedList<{}>: {}'.format(owner_id, owned_list))
        if owned_list != None:
            found = _look_for_obj(owned_list, lambda x: x.whoAmI() == specifiedDevice)
            if found != None:
                return found

    # Then take a look for available instruments
    used = [inst for sub_l in self.__locked.values() for inst in sub_l]
    sdebug('used instruments: {}'.format(used))
    def isUnused(instrument):
        return instrument not in used and instrument.whoAmI() == specifiedDevice

    found = _look_for_obj(self.Stages.values(), isUnused)
    if found != None:
        self._lock_instrument(found, owner_id)
        # self._connect_to_chain(found, owner_id, fiber_id)
    return found

Diagram of the workflow
