Adding a New Instrument


There may be a point where you’ll want to add a new instrument to the ProberControl’s library. This can be implemented easily by using one of the templates and following the requirements for an instrument class.


In the folder marked ProberControl/docs/templates you’ll find several templates, one for each type of instrument that the ProberControl implements. As of version July 2017 there are templates for:
  • DC Sources
  • RF Sources
  • Multimeters
  • Lasers


There are 2 levels of requirements: requirements of all instrument classes and requirements for specific instrument classes. The requirements for all instrument classes are having a whoAmI() method, whatCanI() method, a boolean parameter, a change_state() method that toggles the active parameter , and the __str__() methods.

The finished driver needs to be placed into the prober/instruments folder. Furthermore, the file contains the list of all files inside the folder, which must be updated with the new driver.