Source code for procedures.raster

#from Classes.xyzstage import XYZ_Stage
#import Classes.multimeter
import numpy as np

import sys
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):    # because of problems with OpenCV on linux
    import cv2

# default unset
__selected_function = None
STD_TOOL = "MPowerMeter"

def _report(msg):
    prt_msg = 'raster: ' + msg
    print prt_msg

def _set_meas_fun(fn):
    global __selected_function
    __selected_function = fn

[docs]def set_signal_source(stages, source_string=''): if source_string in stages.keys(): feedbackfunc = getattr(stages[source_string], "get_feedback", None) if callable(feedbackfunc): _set_meas_fun(stages[source_string].get_feedback) return 1 else: _report(str(source_string)+" does not supply get_feedback function") return -1; else: _report(str(source_string)+" is not a member of the Stages Dictionary") return -1;
def _get_signal(stages): global __selected_function if __selected_function == None: if not(set_signal_source(stages, source_string=STD_TOOL) or set_signal_source(stages, source_string=STD_TOOL+"1")): return "Error" return __selected_function() def _generate_map(xyz, size, step): ''' generates a map 3d map representing how much light is coupled over a specified region (size x step) xyz (XYZ_Stage) size (2-tuple): the dimension of the region scanned step (int): the step size returns a 2 dimensional list following the convention: returned_map[3][10] = the "power"(actually voltage for now) at point (3,10) ''' map = [None] * size[0] # place the current point at the center cur_pos = xyz.get_coordinates() initial_pos = xyz.get_coordinates() print size new_pos = (cur_pos[0] - size[0]/70.0*50.0*step, cur_pos[1] - float(size[1])/2.0*step, cur_pos[2]) xyz.set_coordinates(new_pos) # start scaning... for i in xrange(size[0]): # width / x-axis line = [] for j in xrange(size[1]): # length / y-axis # get the voltage reading line.append(float(_get_signal(stages))) # move to the next place cur_pos = xyz.get_coordinates() new_pos = (cur_pos[0], cur_pos[1] + step, cur_pos[2]) xyz.set_coordinates(new_pos) map[i] = line cur_pos = xyz.get_coordinates() new_pos = (cur_pos[0] + step, cur_pos[1] - size[1]*step, cur_pos[2]) xyz.set_coordinates(new_pos) # return to initial scanning point xyz.set_coordinates(initial_pos) return map
[docs]def generate_map_d(stages, target, size, step): return _generate_map(stages[target], size, step)
[docs]def map_image(c_map, im_size, full_path=None, show=False): ''' Takes a map returned from genearte_map() and visualizes it c_map (2d-list): map from generate_map() im_size(2-tuple): the dimensions of the produced image ''' # calculations - normalization c_map = np.array(c_map, np.float32) maxi, mini = c_map.max(), c_map.min() c_map -= mini c_map /= maxi - mini fx_c = im_size[0]/c_map.shape[0] fy_c = im_size[1]/c_map.shape[1] print 'Max. Voltage: {} | Min. Voltage: {}'.format(maxi, mini) # non-blurry scaling c_map = cv2.resize(c_map, None, fx=fx_c, fy=fy_c, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) bgr_grey_map = cv2.cvtColor(c_map, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # float32 -> unit8 image (np.array()) grey_map_u8 = cv2.convertScaleAbs(bgr_grey_map, alpha=255.0) # jet-coloring col_map_u8 = cv2.applyColorMap(grey_map_u8, cv2.COLORMAP_JET) if full_path is not None: cv2.imwrite(full_path, col_map_u8) if show: cv2.imshow('map', col_map_u8) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
[docs]def make_map(stages, fiber, size_x, size_y, step, filename): map = _generate_map(stages[fiber], (int(size_x), int(size_y)), float(step)) file = open(filename + '_data.txt', 'w') for line in map : file.write('{}\n'.format(line)) file.flush() file.close() map_image(map, (300, 300), filename) print 'make_map done.'
[docs]def optimal_point(c_map): ''' find the point of highest voltage in map scanned by genearte_map() c_map (2d-list): map from generate_map() returns list containing: 2-tuple (x,y) containing the coordinates of the optimal point the voltage on the optimal point ''' c_map = np.array(c_map, np.float32) return [np.unravel_index(c_map.argmax(), c_map.shape), c_map.max()]
def _cross_scan(xyz, size, step): ''' Performs a separate scan on each axis of length size*step. Should be used after the fiber has been somewhat alligned xyz (XYZ_Stage) size (int): the number of data point to take step (int): the step size retruns [y_axis_data, x_axis_data] ''' # Y-Axis y_axis = [] # go to far end to begin scanning cur_pos = xyz.get_coordinates() new_pos = (cur_pos[0], cur_pos[1] + size*step, cur_pos[2]) xyz.set_coordinates(new_pos) # start scanning for i in xrange(size): y_axis.append(float(_get_signal(stages))) xyz.step('R') # go back to initial pos cur_pos = xyz.get_coordinates() new_pos = (cur_pos[0], cur_pos[1] + size*step, cur_pos[2]) xyz.set_coordinates(new_pos) # X-Axis x_axis = [] # go to far end to begin scanning cur_pos = xyz.get_coordinates() new_pos = (cur_pos[0] + size*step, cur_pos[1], cur_pos[2]) xyz.set_coordinates(new_pos) # start scanning for i in xrange(size): y_axis.append(float(_get_signal(stages))) xyz.step('B') # go back to initial pos cur_pos = xyz.get_coordinates() new_pos = (cur_pos[0] + size*step, cur_pos[1], cur_pos[2]) xyz.set_coordinates(new_pos) return [y_axis, x_axis]
[docs]def cross_scan_d(stages, target, size, step): return _cross_scan(stages[target], size, step)
''' Copyright (C) 2017 Robert Polster This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. '''