Source code for instruments.TektronixCSA8000

###### This is a template for a multimeter class. The Methods in this class ####
###### are mandatory, as other methods are expecting them. #####################

# Note: it is a good practice to indicate what packages the instrument utilizes
#        even if the package is passed as a parameter. In that case, you can just
#        leave it commented out.
#import visa
#import time
#import sys

[docs]class TektronixCSA8000(object): ''' This class models a sampling oscilloscope... ''' def __init__(self,res_manager,address='GPIB0::16::INSTR', channel=1): ''' Constructor method :param res_manager: PyVisa resource manager :type res_manager: PyVisa resourceManager object :param address: SCPI address of instrument :type address: String ''' = False self.gpib = res_manager.open_resource(address) #call vis = channel self.sampleRate = []
[docs] def whoAmI(self): ''':returns: reference to device''' return 'SamplingOscilloscope'
[docs] def change_state(self): ''' Toggles the parameter''' if == True: = False else: = True
# def get_voltage(self): # ''' # Query the powermeter reading after setting correct wavelength # :returns: Float # ''' ##### Basic Acquisition
[docs] def getAcquisitionParam(self): return self.gpib.query('ACQuire?')
[docs] def setAcquisitionMode(self,sample=True,average=False,envelope=False): sample = bool(sample) average = bool(sample) envelope = bool(envelope) if(int(sample)+int(average)+int(envelope)!=1): print "Exactly one paramter needs to be set to True" return if sample: self.gpib.write('ACQuire:MODe SAMple') return if average: self.gpib.write('ACQuire:MODe AVERage') return if envelope: self.gpib.write('ACQuire:MODe ENVElope') return
[docs] def setAveragingNum(self,num=16): self.gpib.write('ACQuire:NUMAVg '+int(num)) return
[docs] def startAcquisition(self): self.gpib.write('ACQuire:STATE ON') self.gpib.write('ACQuire:STATE RUN') return
[docs] def stopAcquisition(self): self.gpib.write('ACQuire:STATE STOP') self.gpib.write('ACQuire:STATE OFF') return
##### Horizontal paramter
[docs] def getSampleRate(self,scale): ''' Notes: ''' return self.gpib.query('HORizontal:MAIn:SCAle?')
[docs] def setSampleRate(self,scale): ''' Notes: ''' #self.gpib.write('HORizontal:DISPlayscale:SEConds PERScreen; HORizontal:UNIts S; HORizontal:MAIn:SCAle {:.10E}'.format(scale)) scale = float(scale) self.gpib.write('HORizontal:MAIn:SCAle {:.10E}'.format(scale)) return
##### Trigger paramter #TOOODDOOOOOO ##### Mask paramter
[docs] def getMaskParamter(self): return self.gpib.query('MASK?')
[docs] def runMaskAutoFit(self): self.gpib.write('MASK:AUTOFit EXECute') return
[docs] def runMaskAutoSize(self): self.gpib.write('MASK:AUTOSEEk EXECute') return
[docs] def setMaskHitRatioTarget(self, ratio): if not(1e-8 < float(ratio) < 0.1): print "Ratio must be within 1E-8 and 0.1" return self.gpib.write('MASK:AUTOSEEk:HITRatio '+str(float(ratio))) return
[docs] def setMaskHitCountTarget(self, count): self.gpib.write('MASK:AUTOSEEk:MASKCount '+str(int(count))) return
[docs] def getMaskHitRatio(self): return self.gpib.query('MASK:AUTOSEEk:MEASHitratio?')
[docs] def resetMask(self): self.gpib.write('MASK:COUNt') return
[docs] def getMaskHitCount(self): return self.gpib.query('MASK:COUNt:TOTal?')
[docs] def setMaskSource(self, source='CH1'): ''' source options are: CH1 - CH8 MATH1 - MATH8 REF1 - REF8 ''' self.gpib.write('MASK:SOUrce '+source) return
[docs] def setMaskStandard(self, standard="NONe"): ''' Supported Standards are: NONe | CUSTom | ATARXG1 | ATARXG2 | ATARXG3 | ATATXG1 | ATATXG2 | ATATXG3 | ENET40GB_LR4 | ENET40GB_SR4 | ENET1250 | ENET2500 | ENET3125 | ENET9953 | ENET10313| ENET10GB_LRM | ENET100B_BX10 | ENET100GB_ER4 | ENET100GB_LR4 | ENET100GB_SR4 | ENET100GB_SR10 | ENET100B_LX10 | ENET1000B_KX | ENET10313 | ENET11096 | ENET41250 | FC133 | FC133E | FC266 | FC266E | FC531 | FC531E | FC1063 | FC1063E | FC2125 | FC2125E_ABR | FC2125E_ABT | FC2125E_AGR | FC2125E_AGT | FC4250E_ABR | FC4250E_ABT | FC4250E_AGR | FC4250E_AGT | FC8500E_ABR | FC8500E_ABT | FC8500E_AGR| FC8500E_AGT | FC8500D | FC8500FINAL | FC4250 | FC10519 | FC11317 | FC14025_MMR6_1 | FC14025_SMR6_1 | FEC2666 | FEC10664 | FEC10709 | FEC42657 | FEC43018 | INF2500 | INFIE25 | INFIniband | OC1 | OC3 | OC9| OC12 | OC18 | OC24 | OC36 | OC48 | OC192 | OC768 | OTU27952 |PCIEXPRESS_Rcv | PCIEXPRESS50_Rcv | PSM4_100G_TX | RIO_SERIAL1G | RIO_SERIAL2G | RIO_SERIAL3G | SAS3_0_XR | SAS3_0_XR_AASJ | SAS3_0_SATA | USERMask | XFI9950_TAA | XFI9950_RAD | XFI9950_THB | XFI9950_RHC | XFI9950_TMBP | XFI9950_RMCP |XAUIFar | XAUIRFar | XAUINear | XAUIRNear ''' self.gpib.write('MASK:STANDARD '+standard) return
##### Histogram options
[docs] def resetHistogramCount(self): self.gpib.write('HIStogram:COUNt') return
[docs] def setHistogramMode(self,HORizontal=True,VERtical=False): HORizontal = bool(HORizontal) VERtical = bool(VERtical) if int(VERtical) + int(HORizontal) != 1: print "Exactly one paramter needs to be set to True" return if HORizontal: self.gpib.write('HIStogram:MODe HORizontal') return if VERtical: self.gpib.write('HIStogram:MODe VERtical') return
[docs] def setHistogramSource(self, source = 'CH1'): ''' source options are: CH1 - CH8 MATH1 - MATH8 REF1 - REF8 ''' self.gpib.write('HIStogram:SOUrce '+source) return
[docs] def getHistogramStatistics(self): return self.gpib.query('HIStogram:STATistics?')
[docs] def setHistogramAxis(self,linear = True, log = True): linear = bool(linear) log = bool(log) if int(log) + int(linear) != 1: print "Exactly one paramter needs to be set to True" return if linear: self.gpib.write('HIStogram:TYPE LINEAr') return if log: self.gpib.write('HIStogram:TYPE LOG') return
##### MATH
[docs] def selectMathSlot(self,num): ''' num can be between 1 and 8 ''' if not(0 < int(num) < 9): print "num must be between 1 and 8" return self.gpib.write('SELect:MATH'+str(int(num))+' ON') return
[docs] def setMathFunction(self,func_string = 'C1+C2'): ''' Example for the func_string: C1+C2 C2*R2 Log(C1+C2) Cx representing the channel x ''' self.gpib.write('MATH<x>:DEFine '+str(func_string)) return
##### Measurements
[docs] def getFrequency(self,source='CH1',measSlot=1): return getMeasurementVal(self,'FREQuency',measType,source='CH1',measSlot=1)
[docs] def getPeriod(self,source='CH1',measSlot=1): return getMeasurementVal(self,'PERIod',measType,source='CH1',measSlot=1)
[docs] def getFallTime(self,source='CH1',measSlot=1): return getMeasurementVal(self,'FALL',measType,source='CH1',measSlot=1)
[docs] def getRiseTime(self,source='CH1',measSlot=1): return getMeasurementVal(self,'RISe',measType,source='CH1',measSlot=1)
[docs] def getOMA(self,source='CH1',measSlot=1): return getMeasurementVal(self,'OMA',measType,source='CH1',measSlot=1)
[docs] def getRmsNoise(self,source='CH1',measSlot=1): return getMeasurementVal(self,'RMSNoise',measType,source='CH1',measSlot=1)
[docs] def getMean(self,source='CH1',measSlot=1): return getMeasurementVal(self,'MEAN',measType,source='CH1',measSlot=1)
[docs] def getMinimum(self,source='CH1',measSlot=1): return getMeasurementVal(self,'MINImum',measType,source='CH1',measSlot=1)
[docs] def getMaximum(self,source='CH1',measSlot=1): return getMeasurementVal(self,'MAXimum',measType,source='CH1',measSlot=1)
[docs] def getAmplitude(self,source='CH1',measSlot=1): return getMeasurementVal(self,'AMPLitude',measType,source='CH1',measSlot=1)
[docs] def getPk2Pk(self,source='CH1',measSlot=1): return getMeasurementVal(self,'PK2Pk',measType,source='CH1',measSlot=1)
[docs] def getMeasurementVal(self,measType,source='CH1',measSlot=1): ''' This function specifiecs a measurement channel to collect a specific type of data meaSlot is the measuement slot on the oscilloscope. Valid numbers and integers between 1-8 source is the source channel for the measurement. Valid numbers are integers between 1-8 Options for Measurements are: HIGH | LOW | AMPLitude | MEAN | MAXimum | MINImum | PK2Pk | MID | POVershoot | NOVershoot | RMSNoise | PKPKNoise | AOPTPWRDBM | RMS | ACRMs | CRMs | CMEan | SNRatio | AOPTPWR | GAIN | OMA | RISe | FALL | PERIod | FREQuency | PCROss | NCROss | PWIdth | NWIdth | PDUty | NDUty | BURst | RMSJitter | PKPKJitter | DELay | PHAse | AREa | CARea | EXTINCTDB | EXTINCTPCT | EXTINCTRATIO | EXTINCTCAL | EYEHeight | PCTCROss | LEVCROss | QFACtor | EYEWIdth | DISTDUty | BITTime | BITRate | TIMCROss | EYEOfactor | SUPRSDB | SUPRSPCT | SUPRSRATIO | PULSESym ''' measSlot = int(measSlot) self.gpib.write('MEASUrement:STATIstics:ENABle ON') self.gpib.write('MEASUrement:MEAS{}:SOUrce1:WFM {}'.format(measSlot, source)) self.gpib.write('MEASUrement:MEAS{}:TYPe {}'.format(measSlot, measType)) return self.gpib.query('MEASUrement:MEAS{}:MEAN?'.format(measSlot))
##### Misc
[docs] def unlockFront(self): self.gpib.write('MEASUrement:STATIstics:ENABle ON') return