Source code for instruments.StepMotor_KST_ZST

# Step Motor Class
#    - wraps around Motor

from Motor_KST_ZST import Motor_KST_ZST as Motor, hexString, int2hexStr
#import serial
import logging
import time
from struct import unpack

STEPS_PER_MM = 2184533.33    # 136533.33

Constructor_Counter = 0
Home_Counter = 0

[docs]class StepMotor_KST_ZST(Motor): def __init__(self, ser): ''' Constructor ser (Serial): the Serial object that corresponds to the port the motor is connected to ''' ### global Constructor_Counter Constructor_Counter += 1 ### self.ser = ser self.moving = False Motor.__init__(self, ser) self.ext['ClassName'] = 'StepMotor' self.home() # home motor self._set_backlash(0) # set 0 backlash correction self.mm_pos = 0 # position of motor, in millimieters self.mm_zeros = 0 # the origin, in millimeters
[docs] def home(self): ''' Puts the motor to backward limit position, so that the position markers make sense ''' ### global Home_Counter Home_Counter += 1 ### self.moving = True self.logger.debug('Homing...', extra=self.ext) # save that change with < MGMSG_MOT_SET_EEPROMPARAMS > self.ser.write(hexString('B9 04 04 00 D0 01')) self.ser.write(hexString('01 00')) # chanel id self.ser.write(hexString('FE 04')) # the specific message we want to save # call < MGMSG_MOT_SET_TSTACTUATORTYPE > first # to specify that we are using the ZFS 13mm actuator => 0x41 # FE, 04, 41, 00, 50, 01 self.ser.write(hexString('FE 04 41 00 50 01')) # home motor on the correct limit switch # < MGMSG_MOT_REQ_HOMEPARAMS > self.ser.write(hexString('41 04 01 00 50 01')) home_response = if home_response[0:2] != hexString('42 04'): self.logger.error('problem reading data from controller while homing', extra=self.ext) exit() # < MGMSG_MOT_SET_HOMEPARAMS > self.ser.write(hexString('40 04 0E 00 D0 01')) # header self.ser.write(hexString('01 00')) # chan-ident self.ser.write(int2hexStr(1, 2)) # Home Dir self.ser.write(int2hexStr(1, 2)) # Limit Switch self.ser.write(home_response[12:16]) # Home Velocity self.ser.write(home_response[16:20]) # Offset Distance # MGMSG_MOT_MOVE_HOME self.ser.write(hexString('43 04 01 00 50 01')) self.ser.reset_input_buffer() response = if response != hexString('44 04 01 00 01 50'): # MGMSG_MOT_MOVE_HOMED self.logger.error('problem homing', extra=self.ext) exit()'homed successfully.', extra=self.ext) self.moving = False
[docs] def get_info(self): ''' Get information back form the controller Used for debugging purposes ''' # MGMSG_HW_REQ_INFO self.ser.write(hexString('05 00 00 00 50 01')) response = print response
def _set_backlash(self, backlash_distance): ''' Set the backlash correction distance for backwards motor movement backlash_distance (int): in encoder steps ''' # change backlash value self.ser.write(hexString('3A 04 06 00 D0 01')) # header self.ser.write(hexString('01 00')) # chanel id self.ser.write(int2hexStr(backlash_distance, 4)) # backlash dist # request backlash data self.ser.write(hexString('3B 04 01 00 50 01')) # confirm backlash distance value res = back_dist_r = unpack('<l', res[8:12])[0] if back_dist_r != backlash_distance: self.logger.error('Problem setting backlash distance [{}]'.format(backlash_distance), extra=self.ext)
[docs] def delta_transl(self, dist): #, m_callback = None, params = ()): ''' Relative translation on the motor dist (float): the millimeters of translation (negative -> backwards) m_callback (function): (Optional) a function that will run while the motor will be in motion. (e.g. show camera) This callback's last parameter must be a callback itself, named 'callback' params (tuple): the callback's parameters ''' self.moving = True # check whether we are within limits if self.mm_pos + dist > LIMIT_SWITCH or self.mm_pos + dist < 0: self.logger.error('Out of bounds error (dist:{}, pos:{})'.format(dist, self.mm_pos), extra=self.ext) self.moving = False return False self.mm_pos += dist # convert millimeters to steps steps = int(round(dist * STEPS_PER_MM)) if steps < 0: Motor.delta_move(self, -(steps - BACKLASH_STEPS)) # manual backlash correction Motor.delta_move(self, -BACKLASH_STEPS) else: Motor.delta_move(self, -steps) self.moving = False return True
[docs] def check_abs_transl(self,dist): ''' Check wether a move to position 'dist' is in range ''' if dist > LIMIT_SWITCH or dist < 0: return False else: return True
[docs] def abs_transl(self, dist): ''' Absolute translation on the motor dist (float): the millmeters of rotation (negative -> backwards) ''' self.moving = True # check weather we are within limits if dist > LIMIT_SWITCH or dist < 0: self.logger.error('Out of bounds error (abs_pos:{})'.format(dist), extra=self.ext) self.moving = False return # convert degrees to steps steps = int(round(dist * STEPS_PER_MM)) # manual backlash correction if dist - self.mm_pos < 0: Motor.abs_move(self, -(steps - BACKLASH_STEPS)) Motor.delta_move(self, -BACKLASH_STEPS) else: Motor.abs_move(self, -steps) self.mm_pos = dist self.moving = False
[docs] def get_mm_pos(self): ''' return the motors current position, in millimeters ''' return self.mm_pos
[docs] def set_as_zero(self, zer_mm): ''' change the origin (zero) ''' n_zero = int(round(zer_mm / STEPS_PER_MM)) Motor.set_as_zero(self, n_zero) self.mm_zeros = zer_mm self.mm_pos -= zer_mm
def __str__(self): ''' <For Debugging Purposes> gives information relevant to the motor state ''' return 'StepMotor({})\n'.format(self.ser.port) + ' position(millimeters): ' + str(self.mm_pos) + '\n zeros-position(millimeters): ' + str(self.mm_zeros)
''' Copyright (C) 2017 Robert Polster This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. '''