Source code for classes.chip_stage

#    Chip Stage class
# Be aware positive rotation of gon_r move chip right edge downwards
# Be aware positive rotation of gon_l move chip top edge downwards

import threading
#from rotator import Rotator
import numpy as np

# helper functions to add/subtract tuples
[docs]def t_add(tuple1, tuple2): return tuple(np.add(tuple1, tuple2))
[docs]def t_sub(tuple1, tuple2): return tuple(np.subtract(tuple1, tuple2))
[docs]class ChipStage(object): def __init__(self, mtr_list): ''' :param mtr_list: a list containing the following objects [ rotation_stage, gonio_stage_T, gonio_stage_B ] ''' = '' self.stepsize = 1 # To bring the dist_measurement to valid start point # can be left at zero with wide enough chip holders self.width_off = 0 #3.5 # 2.5 self.length_off = 4 #1.0 # 1.5 #Calibration for Chip Leveling for X-Axis self.x_coordX = 0 self.y_coordX = 3.5 #Calibration for Chip Leveling for Y-Axis self.x_coordY = 8.5 self.y_coordY = 1 self.r, self.t, self.b = (0, 0, 0) self.zeros = (0, 0, 0) # def r_init(): # self.rot = Rotator(ser_list[0]) # def gT_init(): # self.gon_T = GonStage(ser_list[1], 'GNL10') # def gB_init(): # self.gon_B = GonStage(ser_list[2], 'GNL18') # # t_r = threading.Thread(target=r_init) # t_gT = threading.Thread(target=gT_init) # t_gB = threading.Thread(target=gB_init) # # t_r.start(), t_gB.start(), t_gT.start() # t_r.join(), t_gB.join(), t_gT.join() self.rot, self.gon_T, self.gon_B = mtr_list def set_stepsize(self,stepsize): ''' Updates the degree stepsize used in step() function ''' self.stepsize = stepsize
[docs] def home(self): ''' Sets all chip stage motors to home''' r = threading.Thread(self.rot.home()) gT = threading.Thread(self.gon_T.home()) gB = threading.Thread(self.gon_B.home()) # Starts x-direction, then y-direction and z-direction r.start(); gT.start(), gB.start() # Reset isntance variables self.r, self.t, self.b = (0, 0, 0) self.zeros = (0, 0, 0) self.stepsize = 1
[docs] def check_coordinates(self, target_pos): act_r, act_t, act_b = t_add(target_pos, self.zeros) if self.gon_T.check_abs_transl(act_t) and self.gon_T.check_abs_transl(act_b): return True else: return False
[docs] def set_stepsize(self,stepsize): ''' Updates the stepsize used in step() function ''' self.stepsize = stepsiz
[docs] def step(self, direction): ''' - Move Stage in either direction by one step - Step Size defined in set_stepsize() - direction expected to be char: L(CW),R(CCW) ''' if self.rot.moving == False: if direction == 'U': self.rot.delta_angle(self.stepsize) self.r += self.stepsize if direction == 'D': self.rot.delta_angle(-self.stepsize) self.r -= self.stepsize if self.gon_B.moving == False: if direction == 'L': self.gon_B.delta_rot(self.stepsize) self.b += self.stepsize if direction == 'R': self.gon_B.delta_rot(-self.stepsize) self.b -= self.stepsize if self.gon_T.moving == False: if direction == 'F': self.gon_T.delta_rot(self.stepsize) self.t += self.stepsize if direction == 'B': self.gon_T.delta_rot(-self.stepsize) self.t -= self.stepsize
[docs] def get_coordinates(self): return (self.r, self.t, self.b)
[docs] def get_rot(self): return self.rot.get_angle()
[docs] def set_coordinates(self, target_pos): ''' Move to a point in the plane target_pos (3-tuple): (rot,g_T ,g_B) coordinates of the final point ''' # actual distances sent to motors act_r, act_t, act_b = t_add(target_pos, self.zeros) if not self.rot.moving and not self.gon_T.moving and not self.gon_B.moving and self.gon_T.check_abs_transl(act_t) and self.gon_B.check_abs_transl(act_b): self.r, self.t, self.b = target_pos # threading approach t_r = threading.Thread(target=Rotator.abs_angle, args=(self.rot, act_r)) t_t = threading.Thread(target=GonStage.abs_rot, args=(self.gon_T, act_t)) t_b = threading.Thread(target=GonStage.abs_rot, args=(self.gon_B, act_b)) t_r.start(), t_t.start(), t_b.start() t_r.join(), t_t.join(), t_b.join() else: print 'chip_stage::error: Attempted move out of bounds (abs_pos:{},{},{})'.format(act_r, act_t, act_b)
[docs] def set_rot(self, target_pos): ''' Rotate the chip stage ''' self.set_coordinates((target_pos, self.t, self.b))
[docs] def close(self): ''' Closes the underlying motors ''' self.rot.close() self.gon_T.close() self.gon_B.close()
[docs] def set_whoAmI(self, name): = name
[docs] def whoAmI(self): return
''' Copyright (C) 2017 Robert Polster This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. '''